32 Years
83% Repeat Clients
534 Craftsmanship Awards
100% Quality
We provide extended warranties from leading industry suppliers and comprehensive maintenance programs.
We understand the importance of innovation and professionalism and work with the best people to achieve this.
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Our People are our strength, Our Company supports, encourages and guides all employees and that is why we have such a great team spirit.
[ozy_vc_simplehoverimagebox image=”489″ main_color=”#fa344b” fn_color=”#ffffff” link_target=”_self” title=”PRE-CONSTRUCTION” hover_caption=”Outstanding Construction & Renovation Services ” link=”#”]
[ozy_vc_simplehoverimagebox image=”423″ main_color=”#2177ce” fn_color=”#ffffff” link_target=”_self” title=” NEW CONSTRUCTION” hover_caption=”Outstanding Construction & Renovation Services ” link=”#”]
[ozy_vc_simplehoverimagebox image=”484″ main_color=”#7431d8″ fn_color=”#ffffff” link_target=”_self” title=”REMODEL / REIMAGE” hover_caption=”Watch Company Video” link=”#” video_path=”https://vimeo.com/3847109″]
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Our services include commercial flooring, drywall, painting, and more to turn your business into a place of pride. Choose us for our background in general contracting services.
[title_with_icon icon=”oic-flaticon5-Play” icon_size=”large” icon_position=”top” icon_type=”clear” size=”h5″ go_link=”https://vimeo.com/19968442″ go_target=”fancybox-media” title=”WATCH VIDEO NOW” connected=”no” icon_color=”#000000″][/title_with_icon][ozy_vc_flexbox image=”406″ caption=”OUR PROCESS” tag=”Quality: We treat your project like it’s our own” link_target=”_self” excerpt=”Seitan Kickstarter beard umami chillwave plaid. Tilde wolf skateboard, sustainable cronut VHS High Life irony. Skateboard kitsch lomo.” link=”#”]
[ozy_vc_flexbox image=”409″ caption=”OUR SUPPLIERS” tag=”Honesty: We’re open communication with our clients.” link_target=”_self” excerpt=”Seitan Kickstarter beard umami chillwave plaid. Tilde wolf skateboard, sustainable cronut VHS High Life irony. Skateboard kitsch lomo.” link=”#”]
[ozy_vc_flexbox image=”816″ caption=”OUR TEAM” tag=”Efficiency: We are not new to this business.” link_target=”_self” excerpt=”Seitan Kickstarter beard umami chillwave plaid. Tilde wolf skateboard, sustainable cronut VHS High Life irony. Skateboard kitsch lomo.” link=”#”]
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